
Share Your Loyalty Cards with Customers
Using Webhooks with Perkstar
Overview of Perkstar Integrations
Update Your Personal Profile
Manage Subscription Plans and Payments
Settings: Customize Your Experience
Add and Manage Geolocation Data
Set Up Your Referral Program
Collect Feedback from Customers
Dashboard: Comprehensive Overview
Set Up Triggered Auto-Push Notifications
Set Up Birthday Push Notifications
Create Reminder Push Notifications
Automate Feedback Collection
Set Up Automated Push Notifications
Create Geolocation-Based Push Notifications
Send Targeted Push Notifications
Send Push Notifications to All Customers
Overview of Marketing Push Notifications
Push Notifications: Push Section Overview
Troubleshoot Push Notification Delivery
Understand Push Notification Timing
How Do Push Notifications Work on Android?
How Push Notifications Operate
Track Team Member(s) Activity
Overview and Editing Manager Profiles
Add, Edit, and Delete Manager Profiles
Set Up Manager Profiles and Access for the Scanner App
How to Scan and Redeem Discount Cards
How to Scan and Redeem Membership Cards
How to Scan and Redeem Coupons
How to Scan and Redeem Gift Cards
How to Scan and Redeem Cashback Cards
How to Scan and Redeem Multipass Cards
How to Scan and Redeem Stamp Cards
Log In to the Scanner App
Install the Scanner App
Using the Scanner App Overview
Use RFM Analysis to Segment Customers
Filter Customer Data for Targeted Campaigns
Export Customer Records
Import and Export Customer Records
Create a New Customer Profile
Importing Customer Records
Overview of Customer Profiles
Restore a Loyalty Card
Install Loyalty Cards on Android Devices
Install Loyalty Cards on iOS Devices
Create Your First Loyalty Card
How to Create a Discount Card
How to Create a Membership Card
How to Create a Coupon Card
How to Create a Gift Card
How to Create a Cashback Card
How to Create a Multipass Card
How to Create a Stamp Card
Reset Your Password
Log in to Your Account
Create and Set Up Your Perkstar Account